Our lead story today points to the final installment in our four-part series on designing a golf putter using CAD/CAM tools. The part is close to being complete and we’re now at the inspection phase of a closed-loop manufacturing process. At this point, developers write code for coordinate measuring machine (CMM) inspection using CAM and inspection software. CMM units are sophisticated metrology devices that use probes to measure part geometries in different dimensions. Curated data is then compared to the part’s design intent and original model.
You’re not too late to pick up all of the design tips CCCS’ Robert Dusenbury points out along the way. Links to the full series are provided in each installment.
Pass it on to your colleagues and let us know what you think. Reach out directly if you have a similar end-to-end story to share: .
—Rehana Begg, Editor-in-Chief, Machine Design