Slip-Ease is a new, low-backlash variant of the company’s existing line of multiplate in-line slip clutches. The slip plates are layered with friction pads in between, and an adjusting nut sets the slip torque by squeezing the plates together. The tabbed outer plates fit into the output housing and the inner plates connect to the input hub, allowing the two ends to disengage from one another upon slipping. The clutches are used for overload protection to prevent injury and machine failure.
The Slip-Ease clutch features a slight change in the design of the housing that offers reduced backlash of about 2°. The tab recesses of the outer slip plates are cut in such a way that the tabs lie in plane with the housing to provide a tighter fit between the tabs and the housing. This results in lower backlash and reduced overall clutch diameter, so that the torque output for a given size is greater.
Stock Drive Products/Sterling Instrument
2101 Jericho Turnpike, Box 5416 | New Hyde Park, NY 11042 | (800) 819-8900