The CAN-IO14 control unit has four proportional outputs and four pulse-width modulation (PWM) outputs, which can also be configured as inputs. These ports are combined with six analog inputs, which have ranges between 0 to 10 V and 4 to 20 mA.
When used as a slave to enhance the programmable- logic valve control, functioning as both peripheral input and output nodes, the unit receives commands from the controller via CAN bus and sends back real-time data. This reduces the wiring needed to control distributed-valve banks.
The unit becomes a dedicated input node when all the outputs are configured as inputs.
The 60 × 60 × 30-mm device is IP67 rated and operates in temperatures ranging from –40 to 185°F.
Hawe Hydraulics
9009-K Perimeter Woods Dr.
Charlotte, NC 28216
(704) 509-1599