The ServoBelt Rotary 200 (SBR 200) stage can move up to 100-kg loads. The unit’s huge through-hole makes it easy to bring utility connections, sensors, and other components to the top of the stage.
The SBR 200 offers a stiff symmetrical drive mechanism that enhances stiffness and eliminates backlash, contributing to the unit’s positioning accuracy.
The rotary stage features a 200-mm through hole; 38-N-m torque; 25 (axial) and 21 kN (radial) load capacities; 1,050-N-m maximum moment; ±100 arc-sec bidirectional repeatability; ±15 arc-sec unidirectional repeatability; ±60 arc-sec accuracy, and 100-kg maximum payload.
Bell-Everman Inc.
82 Aero Camino Rd.
Goleta, CA 93117
(805) 685-1029
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