Julie Kalista
Online Editor
Two cameras mounted on a pole at the intersection monitor the main road and the secondary road. Underneath the cameras, a computer constantly processes data it receives from the cameras. When a collision risk is identified, flashing lights on two yield signs at the intersection are activated, alerting drivers.
The device is currently being tested at a four-way intersection in Tel Aviv. The intersection has limited visibility and high-speed access from the main road. Differentiating between this main road and the secondary road has been a challenge for developers.
Because determining who has the right-of-way at such intersections is difficult, researchers hope the device will reduce accidents and near-accidents without impeding traffic flow on the main road.
The team is also working on a smart traffic light that will either flash or delay the green light in the other direction when it senses a driver will run a red light. The device, in this instance, will double as a traffic violation camera.
More Information:
Technion-Israel Institute of Technology