Normally a shaft is machined with a keyway that connects onto other components, such as a bushing. However, a new power transmission design allows for direct connection between shaft and bushing without a key. The Vecobloc keyless bushing transmits torque by friction and can support high pressures. Made of steel, this design exhibits increased strength and efficiency, at significantly lower costs.
On display: Vecobloc Keyless Bushing
Key feature: No keyway machined on shaft.
What it means to you: Improved synchronization, indexing, and axial positioning.
What else: Installation on either side of shaft allows for greater application flexibility.
Innovator: Poulies Maska Inc., Sainte-Claire, Que.
For more info: Call (418) 883-3322 or visit
Circle 106
Rotary encoders circumvent resolvers
While resolvers are well suited for robust applications, they do not handle the demands of drive and automation technology well. Now, small servo drive users and those whose applications require low accuracy can employ inductive rotary encoders, rather than resolvers. At 38-mm wide and 28-mm long, the ECI/EQI 1100 series is appropriate for diagnostic functions. The ECI 1116 is a singleturn encoder offering a resolution of 16-bits, while the ECI 1128 is a multiturn encoder that counts in 28-bits.
On display: ECI/EQI 1100 Series Inductive Rotary Encoder
Key feature: Uses a novel magnetic induction scanning mechanism.
What it means to you: Superior position accuracy, stable speed, and dynamic control.
What else: Rather than integral bearings, design consists of rotor and stator that are independent of one another.
Innovator: Heidenhain Corp., Schaumburg, Ill.
For more info: Call (847) 490-1191 or visit
Circle 107