With the introduction of Pyralux High Temperature (HT) flexible circuit material systems, flexible circuits will make their debut in high-temperature applications. It could lead to major changes for circuitry in aerospace, automotive engines, brakes and transmissions, and downhole pumps for oil and gas drilling. According to DuPont, the coverfilm material is breaking records for thermal resistance in flexible circuits, withstanding temperatures of up to 225˚C.
Consisting of a double-sided copper-clad laminate and a flexible polymide coverlay, the system can be used as a flexible coverfilm or as a bonding material for multilayer flex systems. Pyralux comes in a range of dielectric thicknesses that don’t compromise electric performance, is halogen-free, and maintains low outgassing. The material suits printed-circuit-board (PCB) imaging, polyimide films, flexible circuit materials, embedded passive materials, and thermal substrates for LED lighting, all at high temperatures.
DuPont, (800) 441-7515