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Cultivating the Future with AgTech

March 24, 2025

There have been groundbreaking advancements in modern farming—from an IIoT-in-the-field robotic strawberry picker to a weed-eradicating laser machine to automatic potato palletizing. This collection of articles digs into the solutions that rely on cutting-edge technology to get the job done. Here's what's inside:

  • Harvest CROO Robotics designed a modern engineering marvel: A robotic strawberry harvester.
  • Carbon Robotics’ LaserWeeder uses AI, an advanced vision system and laser technology for sustainable weed management.
  • Two rugged electric finger grippers mounted to a cobot arm can pick and place 52.5-lb boxes of potatoes.
  • SWEEPER is a robot that can tell whether sweet peppers are ripe for the picking.
  • A rechargeable, self-driving cart increases profitability for farmers of handpicked specialty crops, such as table grapes, blueberries and peppers.


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