eBook: From Innovation to Impact: Life-changing Medical Tech
During Machine Design’s medical devices takeover week (Feb. 24-March 2), contributors were asked to submit content pertaining only to this niche. Encompasssing articles, videos and Q&As, it brought together perspectives from decision-makers and subject matter experts whose careers and livelihoods depend on transforming not only the medical devices industry, but the individual lives they ultimately serve.
That content, which we have compiled in this free eBook, represents a mere sliver of what could be relevant at this point in time. There are an estimated 2 million different kinds of medical devices on the world market, categorized into more than 7,000 generic devices groups by the World Health Organization.
Our sources confirm, however, that the demand for new technology is underpinned by key drivers such as the adoption of artificial intelligence and machine learning. These advancements, in turn, support the transition to personalized and precision medicine, as well as sustainable design and production practices. The challenges—regulatory requirements, cost of R&D, supply chain disruptions and geopolitical uncertainties—are not new, but their intensity constrain overall value creation and profitability.
Download this eBook: From Innovation to Impact: Life-changing Medical Tech, below.