GMX-HP Ultrasonic Metal Welder

Emerson Branson GMX-HP Ultrasonic Metal Welder Offers Flexibility, Productivity

July 12, 2023
The GMX-HP Series offers a mechanical design that results in an increased power weld.

The Branson GMX-HP ultrasonic metal welder is suitable for electric vehicles (EVs), batteries and energy storage systems, where higher power with greater downforce is needed for larger welds.

The GMX-HP features:

  • modular welding machine structure design
  • horn compatibility design
  • high-power ultrasonic welding power supply
  • safe quick release device for horn

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The GMX-HP’s increased weld power is transmitted through a direct-press actuator, equipped with dual linear bearing guides, precision distance sensors and a dynamic pressure trigger that delivers greater part-holding downforce with the high stability needed for repeatable weld quality.

Other product highlights include a dual-precision linear bearing guide; distance sensor for height/distance control during welding; direct-pressure welding for stability and long horn life; and pressure trigger and pressure sensors ensure accurate welding control.

The unit is equipped with programmable digital controls to help manage the welding process in multiple modes, so that users can track data metrics. The GMX-HP welder is designed for optimal flexibility and productivity, from automation design to long-run manufacturing.

READ MORE: Foiling Damage to Thin-Metal Welding | Machine Design

About the Author

Sharon Spielman | Technical Editor, Machine Design

As Machine Design’s technical editor, Sharon Spielman produces content for the brand’s focus audience—design and multidisciplinary engineers. Her beat includes 3D printing/CAD; mechanical and motion systems, with an emphasis on pneumatics and linear motion; automation; robotics; and CNC machining.

Spielman has more than three decades of experience as a writer and editor for a range of B2B brands, including those that cover machine design; electrical design and manufacturing; interconnection technology; food and beverage manufacturing; process heating and cooling; finishing; and package converting.

Email: [email protected]

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