
Internet of Things Versus Women’s Intuition

Nov. 19, 2015
Could Industry 4.0 be based on Women’s Intuition?

Image courtesy of Thinkstock.

The architecture of women, including their heightened senses and repository, might actually be the living, breathing template for Internet of Things (IoT). And for that, maybe we should change IoT to WIoT: Women's Intuition of Things. Let's explore...

Women's Intuition may appear mythical, but it does have some concrete traits in its makeup. Dr. Louann Brizendine's research and book "The Female Brain" suggests Women's Intuition includes remembering and feeling emotions, heightened senses and sensitivity especially to sound, and the psychic-like ability to understand a situation before it happens.

Plus, from her book we know that women use a different set of circuits in the brain (assuming a broader set) to reach a solution.

"In a German study, researchers conducted brain scans of men and women while they mentally rotated abstract, three-dimensional shapes. There were no performance differences between the men and women, but there were significant, sex-specific differences in the brain circuits they activated to complete the task. Women triggered brain pathways linked to visual identification and spent more time than men picturing the objects in their minds.

This fact merely meant that it took women longer to get to the same answer. It also showed that females perform all the cognitive functions males perform—they just do so by using different brain circuits."

Now, let's compare these traits to IoT.

Women's Intuition


Remembering and feeling emotions; spanning a broad set of data (big data) 

Collection of historical data

Heightened senses and sensitivity, especially sound and visual identification

Accurate data coming in from highly calibrated, sensitive machinery and sensors in real-time

Psychic-like ability to understand a situation before it happens

Predictive analysis based on historical and real-time data

 Decisions made or more questions asked (more data needed)

Decisions made or more data is pulled

Based on this chart, I propose that IoT should now be called WIoT: Women's Intuition of Things. What do you think?

Lindsey Frick @BigIdeaEngineer @WomenFix

WomenFix LinkedIn Group

About the Author

Lindsey Frick - Big Idea Engineer | Strategist & Social Entrepreneur

Lindsey Frick is a Mechanical Engineer and Entrepreneur who develops strategies and ideas to solve big problems. She shares her research and experience on new technologies, materials, processes, funding models, and new markets in hopes to inspire other engineers and designers to think big.

Follow her on twitter @BigIdeaEngineer

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