EP21ARHT two-component epoxy bonds metals, ceramics, glass, and many plastics and resists chemicals, fuels, and acids including 96-98% sulfuric acid and 20% hydrochloric acid. The epoxy cures at room temperature or elevated temperatures with minimal shrinkage. It has cured bond strength over 2,200 psi and a temperature range of -60 to 400°F. Its dielectric strength is 440 volts/mil, and its low coefficient of thermal expansion is 45x10-6 in/in/°C.
EP21ARHT mixes by combining two parts clear part A with one part amber part B by weight. It comes in pint, quart, gallon, and 5 gal. container kits.
Master Bond Inc., 154 Hobart St., Hackensack, NJ 07601, (201) 343-8983, www.masterbond.com
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