Website of free resources
One updated and expanded motion control website now provides interactive information and tools: The library at (of Galil Motion Control) provides free access to piles of educational material, including online tutorials, support tools, training classes, technical articles, and Tech Talk, a forum where Galil application engineers post their latest design tips. Online support tools also include MotorSizer for easy sizing of stepper and servo systems, and MotionCode, a step-by-step guide for developing motion applications.
Technical documents site
The new site of Ormec Systems Corp. at was recently named One of the best new sites developed by Machine Design Magazine. Technical documents and software resources are easy to locate; each product page features related information and software, as well as linking to related products.
A menu on the left side of each product page shows user location in product hierarchy and allows quick jumping; a support library includes documentation and software for all products of the past twenty years, and a blog features code samples, programming tips, and application solutions.
New site + PDF catalog
Get literature online now for custom components, groove, step-cone, zinc die-cast, and variable-pitch pulleys, and bronze and UHMW-PE sleeve bearings:
New (online home of Congress Drives LLC) details all of these products and includes a 2009 PDF catalog with cross referencing.
MSD site freshens up
Have you visited the Motion System Design web site lately?
We've added a number of new functions to make the site more useful and interactive than ever before. Go ahead - check it out and add MSD to your Favorites or Bookmarks; consider us your personal go-to resource for motion control.
Article commenting
Have you ever read an article in a technical magazine and thought, “Okay, I get it, but …” If you have one burning question that — if answered — would complete your understanding of a complex topic, then we have good news for you: Many articles on the MSD site now offer commenting. We've already fielded questions from across the country and as far away as India. Simply type your comment or question in the box at the end of the article, and we get you an answer, usually within 24 hours. It's like having an on-call motion guru at your virtual doorstep.
One-stop topics and search
We've also enhanced the search functionality, plus added seven specific one-topic pages for improved site navigation. Type a term into our new and improved Search box and you're likely to call up dozens of relevant, in depth feature articles. Rather search by topic area? Click on our one-stop headers to find specific subject matter: Engineering Basics; Mechanical PT; Motors & Drives; Sensing & Control; Linear Motion; Auxiliary Components; and System Solutions.