The ProSense line of motor-monitoring relays now includes phase monitoring, alternating, and pump-seal-failure relays.The microprocessor-based design of PMRU phase-monitoring relays protects against phase loss, reversal, unbalance, and undervoltage and overvoltage conditions. The relays feature a multicolor LED to indicate normal and fault conditions.The PMRR Series protects against phase reversal, while the PMRRL Series, with an adjustable undervoltage setting knob, protects against phase loss, reversal, and undervoltage.The AR Series alternating relays have a three-position selector switch to alternate two loads as normal, or lock the relay to one load or the other. An ARX model is a DPDT cross-wired unit that alternates two loads as normal, or locks the relay to always operate the same load first each time.The PSFR Series pump-seal-failure relays monitor shaft seals of submersible pumps. Two 8-pin models with a user-adjustable sensitivity knob are available: SPDT single-channel or dual-channel relay with two SPNO contacts.AutomationDirect, 3505 Hutchinson Rd., Cumming, GA 30040, (800) 633-0405,
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