The package works with Right Hemisphere's core Deep Server enterprise or Deep Exploration client software to transform I-Deas 3D computer-aided design (CAD) files into lightweight, graphic models for use in publishing tasks. I-deas can generate technical illustrations, add interactivity, generate exploded-view animations, and create photorealistic images using an I-deas 3D model and export it to many 2D formats, 3D formats, and publishing programs. Right Hemisphere supports over 120 different 2D and 3D data files, and it integrates with other native CAD formats such as Pro/E, Catia, SolidWorks, and Unigraphics, and other medical, scientific, and AEC formats. A software development kit lets users write support for almost any additional file format.
Right Hemisphere
39355 California St., Suite 201
Fremont, CA 94538