Designed for space and weight-critical applications, maximum width is 11/32 in. and maximum height is 1 in. It weighs about 50 gm in brass and stainless steel, and 23 gm in aluminum. The unit controls output pressures from 0 to 20 psig and is especially suited to low pressure regulation. Maximum-rated, inletsupply pressure is 500 psig. The first stage is factory set while the second stage regulates to the desired output. This makes the PRD2-1N1 suitable for applications with varying input pressures, such as gas storage tanks where pressure decreases as the gas is consumed. Inlet and outlet ports are tapped M3. Optional O-ring seals and diaphragm materials include Buna-N, Viton, and EPDM.
Beswick Engineering,
284 Ocean Rd., Greenland, NH 03840,
(800) 354-5014,