Highly portable, the compact 12.3 X 2.5 X 3.2-in. (31.2 X 5.1 X 8.1 cm), low-cost device can interface with a PC or handheld color touchscreen interface. A DSP signal processor and temperature-controlled lasers and sensors compensate for environmental disturbances. The device has an optical angular range of ±2,160 arc-sec (±10 mrad), and a sensitivity of 0.1 arc-sec (0.5 μrad). Additional features of the Series include: Visible laser pointer function, wide scanning angle, low noise, and large aperture. Typical applications are in vibration analysis, mechanical and optical alignments, servocontrol feedback, pitch/yaw measurements, settling time, and stage damping analysis.
Equipment Solutions Inc., 461 E. Evelyn Ave., Sunnyvale, CA 94086, (408) 245-7161, equipsolutions.com