Aimed at general-purpose applications, each unit has individual input and output connections and built-in power factor correction circuitry. A miniature 10-pin connector handles control and monitoring signals while output is via copper bus bar. The 2U-high chassis-mount case, 4.9 in. (124 mm) wide and 13.1 in. (333 mm) deep, mounts on the bottom or side using 6-32 screws. Supplies operate in parallel via an output O-ring diode and a single-wire current-sharing connection. Control and monitoring signals provide for power fail, remote output adjust, current monitor, inhibit, remote sense, power good, and a thermal alarm. Protection features include overvoltage, thermal, and short-circuit/overload protection.
Unipower Corp.,
3900 Coral Ridge Dr., Coral Springs, FL 33065,
(954) 346-2442,