Assembly lines don't have to be linear. AccuRing rotary tables from Centricity, Girard, Ohio, give plant engineers the option to precisely turn large or small assemblies while pick-and-place robots install or inspect components from all sides. Its open-center design let robots or technicians simultaneously access opposite sides of whatever is on the table. The table features a programmable digital drive and controls, so users can specify acceleration, direction, speed, and dwell time, with better repeatability than conventional mechanical indexers. Complex motion profiles, coordinated moves, and registration moves can be saved and recalled when needed. The rotary tables can save floor space, reduce part handling, and lower fixture costs.
The tables handle higher loads radial, thrust, and moment than most other center-driven indexers, thanks to large precision bearings directly beneath the tooling ring. The tables come in eight standard models with table diameters ranging from 12 to 200 in., and open centers ranging from 1 to 97 in. in diameter.