A 300-mm front-opening waferhandling unit is said to be the first to follow SEMI equipment interface standards for 300-mm processing equipment.
The OEM300i load port from AJS Automation, Ipswich, Mass., is said to provide fast wafer access time, low cost-of-ownership, and needs no preventive maintenance or set up adjustments. Features include simple plug-and-play installation, compact space-saving design, lightweight, BOLTS/Light (standard) and BOLTS/M (optional) with pinch bar, and FEOL and BEOL pins.
All but one motion is handled pneumatically, say company officials, who decline to elaborate citing competitive issues. The single nonpneumatic axis will be converted to pneumatic motion at a later date, they say. All pneumatics on the unit, to be shown publicly at Semicon West for the first time, are from Festo Corp.