By performing scans at 5,000 item/min, a machine-vision sensor can cut inspection times for applications such as pharmaceutical packaging lines. The F160 combines dual cameras with a high-speed processing system called Quest Optical Character Recognition (OCR) algorithm. By using Quest most unregistered characters can still be identified because it has the ability to recognize many types, adapt to fluctuations in size and shape, and achieve a higher discrimination level among similar characters. The system also incorporates variable box measurements for area and defect inspection, ensuring precise measurement regions for inspection. Measurement regions can be set to change automatically when performing inspections for objects with varying sizes, such as surface-mount components. It is said to deliver four times the capture speed of past systems and a faster image-processing speed.
Omron Electronics LLC, 1 Commerce Dr., Schaumburg, IL 60173, (800) 556-6766.