What is the best engineering movie ever made? Help us find out, or at least point the way. We will be having a Movie Madness “playoff” elections in which 32 movies compete head-to-head in a several brackets until there’s only one left.
We will need some help, however, to fill up those 32 slots. So please nominate a movie or two by emailing me ([email protected]: Put Movie in the subject line, or leave a nomination at the end of this blog entry). Please include two or three lines as to why this movie deserves the engineering accolades.
Within a few weeks, we’ll start having “elections” pitting one movie against another, letting you and other engineering enthusiasts winnow down the field until only one remains, the World’s Greatest Engineering Movie.
Note: Please don’t confuse sci-fi movies with engineering movies. Not all sci-fi involves engineering. In general, a good engineering movie includes engineers as major characters, or talks intelligently about engineering issues or the profession. But these are just rough guidelines. Now send in those nominations.
And watch this space for further details.