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Videos & Resources

Machine Vision Experts Develop a Visual Object Intelligence Platform

Machine Vision Experts Develop a Visual Object Intelligence Platform

Aug. 12, 2024
Stepping up the object handling capabilities of robotic arms through machine vision.
Machine Vision & Factory Automation

A Business Case for Advanced Machine Vision in Factory Automation

Aug. 12, 2024
Picking up unrecognized objects is largely an underdeveloped area of machine vision. CynLr is solving the problem with a product-agnostic robotic assembly line.
What's the Difference in Machine Vision & Human Vision?

Can Machine Vision Solve the Pain Point of Making Robotic Arms Intuitive?

Aug. 12, 2024
CynLr, a deep-tech robotics and cybernetics startup is tackling visual object intelligence. Its robotic arms solution can pick up unrecognized objects, including mirror-finished...

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