Pack Expo 2017

Brenton Shows Off its Robotics Packaging Solution at Pack Expo

Sept. 25, 2017
The company displays an application customized for the food industry, integrating the vision-guided FANUC CR-7iA/L.

At Pack Expo 2017 (Booth No. C-3025), Brenton is demonstrating its ability to integrate the capabilities of existing end-of-line equipment with collaborative robotics, providing customized solutions for the food industry.

The deep robotic programming and integrating capabilities that Brenton robotic packaging equipment offers excel in vision guided pick-and-place for high-speed packing of food, beverages, medical supplies, and other consumer products. The company delivers flexible, high-speed automation for manufacturers, along with a small footprint and minimal environmental impact.

One of the largest providers of FANUC robotic packaging systems in North America, Brenton displays the CR-7iA/L collaborative robot with integral vision that picks trays off a conveyor, orients them, and feeds them to a BrentonPro Mach-2 side load case packer. Key features include an integrated HMI, which enables the conventional case packer and robot to operate as a unified system and provides dual robotic picking speeds for maximum throughput.

The vision system plugs directly into the robot controller, eliminating the need for a separate vision controller. With proven sensor technology, the CR-7iA/L is designed to work with humans in a shared workspace without safety fences in a 24/7 environment.

The FANUC CR-7iA/L is paired with the Mach-2 case packer, with a small footprint and flexible, customizable design. Utilizing indexing motion, the Mach-2 efficiently loads up to 35 cases per minute. Cases accommodated include RSC, HSC, tray, wrap-around, knock-down, and harness for cartons, bottles, cans, and tubs.

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